I am obsessed with hydrangeas! I love them! They are so beautiful and remind me of visiting my granny and pawpaws house. They have huge hydrangea bushes in their back yard right by the back door. The pretty blue ones. I have a few planted but they are not big yet and only produce a few blooms each year. Right now the lime light hydrangeas are blooming and I am so envious of my neighbors that have them. I have to get some soon to plant. I would love for them to line my property like the picture below.

Down here in Alabama I think we all look forward to when our seasonal flowers bloom. Its nice to just go outback and cut some fresh flowers for you table or to just have here and there throughout the house. Another one of my favorites is the gardenia. I remember walking out back and just being so excited when the sweet smell of the gardenia tickled my nose. I looked towards the back fence and there it was peeping over. I immediately went over and cut a few blooms. It can't get much more southern than sweet gardenias in a mason jar!
When you move into a new home it's always fun to see what sprouts up as the seasons change. This little daffodil comes back every year in the same spot. Right in the middle of the yard. My husband always cuts around it. I remember when the kids first spotted it walking home from the bus stop. They were so excited to show me!
Another one of my favorites is the Stargazer Lilly. I wore this flower in my hair when Chad and I got married so every time I catch this scent it takes me back to that special day. We always have these in our flower beds and I look forward to them blooming every year!

Speaking of Lilies, Chad went to his grand mothers home in Tuscaloosa, Alabama shortly after we moved in. He brought back day lilies from her garden and we planted them along the front porch. A year later they still hadn't bloomed. They were just green leaves sticking up out of the ground. He came home one day and said i'm going to pull these up if they don't bloom soon. I said no don't do that give them a little longer. I also liked that even though there were no flowers it still filled in that space with some color and texture. Well they must of heard him stay they were on thin ice because it wasn't long after that he called me out side and said look! They were beautiful and they weren't day lilies at all they were irises! Beautiful yellow irises! I'm so glad he didn't pull them up!
We have so many other beautiful plants and flowers that bloom all throughout the year. Of course the Azalea always makes for a pretty backdrop in photos.
I also love when the dogwoods bloom. It's such a pretty sight against the blue sky.
And I cant forget the crepe myrtle. These line our yard and side walk.
We have such beautiful flowers down south. Y'all should come for a visit and see for yourself. A great place to see different blooms is
Bellingrath Gardens.
Bellingrath Gardens & Home was the creation of Mr. & Mrs. Bellengrath. The gardens first opened to the public in 1932 while a national garden club meeting was taking place in Mobile. Mr. Bellingrath place an ad int he Mobile paper announcing that anyone who would like to see the spring garden could do so free of charge. After an overwhelming response, the couple decided to keep the gardens open year round. Throughout the year, this 65 acre Garden Estate is in full bloom with camellias in the winter, azaleas in the spring, roses in the summer, chrysanthemums in Fall and Magic Christmas Lights display during the holiday season.
It's so hot here right now. I am looking forward to Fall and the weather that it brings. I cant wait to sit outside and watch the sunset and just take in the beauty that surrounds us everyday. I am so thankful for the life I have been blessed with. There is beauty all around us. You just have to slow down and look at whats around you. Stop and smell the flowers people!